What characterizes the energy transition?

The energy transition is characterized as the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. This change is important so that global warming and its consequences are prevented as much as possible. Phasing out fossil fuels benefits health, safety and nature, because greenhouse gas emissions are significantly reduced by phasing out fossil fuels.

Hernieuwbare energie uit wind

Energy transition in the industry

Industrial processes powered by fossil fuels account for a large percentage of the emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. Emissions of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, contribute to the enhanced greenhouse effect. The enhanced greenhouse effect is seen as an environmental problem. Decarbonizing energy carriers is becoming increasingly important in the industrial sector, as the industrial sector is largely responsible for greenhouse gas emissions.

It is important that industrial processes are designed as energy-efficiently as possible to limit global warming. To achieve this, the use of fossil fuels must be limited as much as possible. Electrification and/or the use of alternative fuels must then completely reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

The role of Standard Fasel

One of the biggest challenges in the energy transition is making the industry more sustainable. Standard Fasel is a leader in sustainable innovation in steam technology. We already have long-standing experience in making traditional systems more sustainable, in electrification, alternative fuels and various hybrid forms. So we feel that we are the ideal strategic partner to guide you through the energy transition. To ensure that you never have to shoulder the burden alone.


Energietransitie: als er veel energie wordt opgewekt met zon pv kan dit goedkoop gebruikt worden door de procesindustrie