Standard Fasel supplies steam boilers for industrial applications. These boilers are available in 2 designs: Fire tube boilers and water tube boilers. The main difference is the steam pressure. A water tube boiler can provide steam at a higher pressure than a fire tube boiler.
Fire tube boilers
Fire tube boilers are used for a small or medium heat demand. By this we mean several hundred kilograms of steam per hour up to 70 tons per hour or more. The steam pressure in this category is limited to roughly 30 bar(g), depending on the scale. You can equip this type of boiler with a steam superheater. This addition makes it possible to achieve steam temperatures in excess of 500 °C.
In fire tube boilers, hot gases pass through a number of pipes in the boiler. These hot gases heat the water in the boiler, creating steam. A fire tube boiler gets its name from the fact that the pipes in the boiler are heated by the burner. A fire tube boiler is also called a cylindrical boiler or three-pass fire tube boiler.
Water tube boilers
If the steam boiler is required to deliver steam at pressure higher than 30 bar(g), a water tube boiler is usually specified. This type of boiler is widely used in heavy industry and power plants. Like fire tube boilers, water tube boilers are in generally equipped with a steam superheater to achieve extra-high steam temperatures.
The water tube boiler’s working principle is the exact opposite of the fire tube boiler; the water or steam passes through the pipes in the boiler and is heated from the outside by the hot gases in the boiler. One example of a water tube boiler is a waste heat boiler, placed in the hot exhaust gases from a gas turbine.
Water quality is usually more of an issue with a water tube boiler than with a fire tube boiler.
Fuels for steam boilers and energy-saving add-ons
Both fire tube boilers and water tube boilers can be equipped with Standard Fasel’s TAS burner. In addition to natural gas or oil, this burner allows a wide variety of alternative fuels to be used. To save energy, industrial water boilers can be equipped with an economiser, air preheater and/or flue gas condenser. This set-up ensures extra-high efficiency operation of the boiler while at the same time reducing the burner’s fuel consumption.
Used boilers
Standard Fasel does not offer used steam boilers. However, we can put you in touch with the right parties if you wish to purchase a used boiler. In addition, we have extensive experience with complete steam boiler conversions to ensure a perfect fit in a new setting.